BES meeting 2024 (preliminary program)

34th Meeting of the Belgian Endocrine Society
October 11 & 12, 2024

(Mdeon visa:  )

Friday symposia 11-10-2024

13:00-13:30 General assembly
Laurent Crenier (ULB), President
Guy T’Sjoen (UGhent), Treasurer
13:30-14:00 Registration
14:00-15:00 Symposium 1 (sponsored by Daiichi Sankyo)

Personalized approach to dyslipidemia management in diabetic patients, aligning with cardiovascular risk profiles.

  • Welcome and introduction 
    Prof. Dr. Laurent Crenier
  • Lecture 1 (25 min)
    Assessing cardiovascular risk profile in diabetic patients: effective measurement methods and appropriate tools.
    Prof. Dr.  Olivier Descamps  (Joliment hospital, La Louvière, Belgium)
  • Lecture 2  (25 min)
    Managing dyslipidemia in diabetic patients: current therapeutic approaches and best practices
    Prof. Dr. Dirk Müeller-Wieland (RWTH University Hospital Aachen,  Aachen, Germany) 
  • Audience questions and closing remarks
    Prof. Dr. Laurent Crenier
15:00-16:00 Symposium 2 (sponsored by Recordati)

The future of personalized management in the treatment of acromegaly. 

  • Welcome and introduction 
    Prof. Dr. Guy T’Sjoen
  • Lecture 1 (25 min)
    Current guidelines and guidance for the management of acromegaly patients
    Prof. Dr.  Christophe Deblock (UZA, Belgium)
  • Lecture 2  (25 min)
    The importance of biomarker use to personalize acromegaly treatment
    Prof. Dr. Manuel Puig Domingo (Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital Barcelona, Spain)  
  • Audience questions and closing remarks
    Prof. Dr. Guy T’Sjoen
16:00-16:15 Pause
16:15-17:15 Symposium 3 (sponsored by Lilly)

Exploring the dynamic nexus between obesity and diabetes. 

  • Welcome and introduction
    Prof. Dr. Chantal Mathieu 
  • Lecture 1 (35 min)
    It is all connected: exploring organ system interplay in diabetes and obesity
    Prof.Dr. Mikael Rydén, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden)
  • Lecture 2  (15 min)
    It takes two to tango: navigating the metabolic landscape with Tirzepatide
    Prof. Dr.  Luc Van Gaal (UZA, Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Panel discussion and closing (5 min)
    Prof. Dr. Chantal Mathieu  
17:15–17:50 Coffee break & registration
17:50-18:00 Welcome
Laurent Crenier (ULB), President
18:00–19:30 Symposium in collaboration with the Belgian Thyroid Club (BTC)

Update on (para)thyroid diagnostics
Moderator: Brigitte Decallonne (KU Leuven)     

  • Preoperative imaging for primary hyperparathyroidism anno 2024 
    Jacqueline Bijnens (ENT – Mechelen) 
  • Is there still a place for thyroid scintigraphy anno 2024? 
    Aglaia Kyrilli (Endocrinology – Hôpital Erasme, ULB)
  • Smart thyroid care : how emerging technologies will transform thyroid testing by 2030
    Damien Gruson (Laboratory Medicine – UCL – St. Luc) 
19:30-20:00  Invited lecture: Aging males (title to be confirmed)
Introduced by L. Crenier

Dirk Vanderschueren (KU Leuven) & Jean Kaufman (UGhent)
20:00 Walking dinner

Saturday meeting 12-10-2024

8:00–8:30 Registration & welcome coffee
Visit of the exhibits and poster viewing
8:30–9:00 Diabetes workshop : “which closed loop pump for which patient?” (Title to be  confirmed)
Pieter Gillard (KUL) & Laurent Crenier (ULB) 
Invited lecture : 

Introduced by TBA
 ‘Evolution in theranostics for (neuro)endocrine tumours’  title to be confirmed
Christophe Deroose (nuclear medicine KUL)
9:30-11:00 Communications by young investigators
(sponsored by Pfizer)   
9:30–10:30 Part 1: Clinical and translational studies
Chair: TBA 

  • T.
  • D.
  • I.
  • H.
10:30–11:00 Part 2: Clinical case reports
Chair:  TBA 

  • A .
  • U.
11:00–11:45 Coffee break
Visit of the exhibits and poster viewing
11:45–12:00 Selected Belgian Publication Award (sponsored by Sandoz)

Introduced by TBA

Margaretha M. Visser et al.
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology
 doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(22)00352-7.

Effect of switching from intermittently scanned to real-time continuous glucose monitoring in adults with type 1 diabetes: 24-month results from the randomised ALERTT1 trial.

Presenting author: Margaretha Visser

12:00–12:30 Belgian Endocrine Society Lecture Award (sponsored by Novo)

Introduced by L. Crenier (ULB), President  

Hyperglycemia and macronutrients: synergistically contributing to adverse outcome of critical illness?

Award winner: Jan Gunst (KU Leuven)
12:30–13:00 Invited lecture
Chair: TBA
Ovarian failure.
Iulia Potorac (ULiège)
13:00–13:15 Award ceremony of the young investigators
13:15 Lunch