Hydrocortisone – Fludrocortisone reimbursement

Dear colleagues,

a new text regarding Hydrocortisone  and Fludrocortisone reimbursement has been published in the Belgian official journal (see link to articles below). These two molecules have been added to Chapter IV.

After some first inquiries, this how we can summarize these changes for the moment:

1) This new article is about hydrocortisone preparations done by a pharmacist (“préparations magistrales”, “magistrale bereiding”). The 20 mg tablets of  Hydrocortisone by Bepharbel are not subject to it.

2) There is no increase in cost for patients who do not get the authorization. They were paying +/- 8 euros for 60 capsules that you were prescribing, they will pay the same amount without, or before getting the authorization. Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone are also listed in of Chapter I (this point did not change).

3) If they get the authorization, the treatment will be fully reimbursed.

4) You have to ask for the authorization and give some medical informations. You may either write a letter to the “adviserend geneesheer” / “medecin conseil” OR fill the non-specific form and join one of your previous reports that demonstrates adrenal insufficiency.

5) Note that you don’t have to wait for the authorization to start the treatment since the financial burden will not be high to the patient.
